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Ultra-Ever Dry ®

Ultra-Ever Dry is a superhydrophobic coating that repels most water-based and some oil-based liquids. It creates a surface chemistry and texture with geometric patterns that have "peaks" or "high points". These high points repel water, some oils, and other liquids like acids and bases.

Ultra-Ever Dry provides the highest contact angle available, meaning liquids bead up and roll off the surface effectively. The product is made of silicon dioxide (silicone) and acetone, which allows it to cure quickly and be easily applied. Ultra-Ever Dry also has low conductivity, making it ideal for protecting electronics, circuit boards, and components.

Water damage to electronics and components

Short circuit

When water conducts electricity, it can create unintended electrical connections, resulting in a short circuit and immediate equipment failure.


Water can cause metal components to corrode, degrading the performance and lifespan of electrical circuits and connections.


Component damage

Sensitive electronic components like integrated circuits and transistors can be irreparably damaged by water or moisture, leading to long-term reliability issues.

Reduced insulation

Water can degrade the insulating properties of materials like plastic and rubber, increasing the risk of electric shock, short circuits, or corrosion.

Delays and downtime

Wet electronics often require extensive drying and testing before they can be safely used, resulting in productivity loss.

Data loss

Water damage to electronic devices like computers and storage equipment can result in significant data loss, particularly impacting organizations and individuals with valuable data.


Electrical safety hazards

Damp electronic equipment poses a risk of electric shock and fire, especially when operated on or in contact with conductive materials.


Warranty voiding

Many warranties exclude water damage, potentially voiding coverage and leading to costly repairs or replacements.


Water exposure can cause electronic devices to behave unpredictably, resulting in malfunctions and erratic behaviour.

Taking precautions to protect electronic devices from water exposure is essential to avoid these risks and ensure their functionality and safety.

Ultra-Ever Dry - insulates against water penetration

Waterproof electronic circuit boards and parts.

To prevent damage from water, it's important to protect electronic equipment with waterproof enclosures, moisture resistant materials, and proper storage practices. In high-risk environments, special coatings like Ultra-Ever Dry can be used to reduce the risk of water exposure.

Ultra-Ever Dry is a spray-on coating that can be applied directly to circuit boards and electrical components. It hardens in about 30-60 seconds and can be easily removed when needed. The coating gives a clear surface, making it easy to see if the object is protected. Once fully cured, Ultra-Ever Dry can be exposed to water, moisture, ice, and snow without any problems. This makes it perfect for small surfaces like drones, laptops, and mobile phones, as well as for quick application in all kinds of weather.

The request concerns:

How to apply Ultra-Ever Dry ® ?

To apply Ultra-Ever Dry, you can use a variety of air-powered sprayers. NanoTech Solutions Norway provides the Ultra-Mini Sprayer and Ultra-Power Sprayer, but you can also use other sprayers depending on the specific application.


NOTE: Both parts (top coat and primer) are required for all Ultra-Ever Dry ® applications, with a few exceptions .

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The technology

How does Ultra-Ever Dry® work?
The bottom cover binds to most materials and acts as a primer. It provides a consistent material for topcoats to adhere to while interacting with topcoats to create a fine structured geometry. This surface consists of patterns with geometric shapes and billions of interstitial spaces.


There are "high points" in the surface that help to create a low surface energy, which causes drops of water to touch a very small percentage of the coating. The water in the droplet that does not touch these "highlights" is held together by intermolecular cohesive forces in the water molecules. It is the combination of these elements that gives Ultra-Ever Dry® superhydrophobic and oleophobic effect.

What do the terms "superhydrophobic" and "oleophobic" mean?
A super hydrophobic surface protection creates a solid / floating contact angle of 160-175 degrees. Well-known water-repellent substances have a contact angle of almost 110 degrees and are only hydrophobic. A superhydrophobic contact angle enables self-cleaning properties.


Oleophobicity refers to the ability to repel some, but not all, oil-based liquids (which have values for surface tension less than for water). Unfortunately, oleophobicity is not an absolute concept, as many oils have large surface tension ranges that can complicate the limit of the effective range.


For many oils, it is necessary to test to determine if the specific oil or oil grade will be repelled by a super hydrophobic material such as Ultra-Ever Dry® or Hirec® .

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160º - 170º



Ultra-Ever Dry

How many square meters can one liter of Ultra-Ever Dry cover?
6 square meters (66 square feet) with a dry film thickness of approx. 13 micrometers.

How long does Ultra-Ever Dry cure?
Primer: 30-60 minutes curing time before applying top coat. A heat gun can be used on a low setting to reduce drying time.

Top coat: The coating becomes superhydrophobic within 30-60 seconds of application (depending on temperature). Allow 2 hours extra drying time for optimal results.

What is the shelf life of Ultra-Ever Dry and what temperature should it be stored at?
Normally the shelf life of the product will be 4 (four) years when stored between 4°C and 40°C (40°F and 115°F) in closed original packaging.

Does ultraviolet light (UV) affect Ultra-Ever Dry?
Ultra-Ever Dry is affected by UV, its lifespan is reduced.

How chemically resistant is Ultra-Ever Dry?
As with most materials and coatings, this will depend on the chemical. In general, it is resistant to a wide range, including many water-based acids and bases. It can also be compatible with oil-based fluids, since these substances have varying surface tension values. 

Liquids with low values of surface tension are not compatible with Ultra-Ever Dry. Testing may be required to ensure compatibility. Ultra-Ever Dry surface protection will not repel organic solvents including: acetone, xylene, t-butyl acetate, naphtha, MEK, etc.

How long does Ultra-Ever Dry® last?
Ultra-Ever Dry® degrades if exposed to environmental conditions such as UV. The coating has a shelf life of approximately one year for outdoor use before re-treatment of top coats will be necessary. When used indoors or covered outdoors, the coating will last for over a year.


If the topcoat has been reduced due to environmental conditions, only apply the topcoat to regain the superhydrophobic properties (assuming the substrate is still present). The Ultra-Ever Dry® coating does not withstand mechanical wear.

What is the temperature range for Ultra-Ever Dry®?
The operating temperature range of a coated surface is from -34 ° C to 149 ° C (-30 ° F to 300 ° F) when applied. We would recommend additional tests for applications that will be exposed to temperatures above 149 ° C (300 ° F). The coating should be applied at temperatures between 10 ° C and 32 ° C (50 ° F and 90 ° F).


What materials will Ultra-Ever Dry® bind to?
Note that the coating has a hazy, transparent, white appearance. Almost any material is compatible for application: steel, aluminum, other metals, plastic, leather, fabric, wood, concrete, etc.

The coating can be applied and will adhere to most smooth surfaces. Preparing an already cleaned surface by sanding the surface with 320-800 sandpaper will improve adhesion. Ultra-Ever Dry® is not recommended for use on acrylic due to the high content of solvents.

How durable is Ultra-Ever Dry?
Ultra-Ever Dry surface protection records a result of 30 cycles with a CS-10 wheel and 1000g load on the "Taber Abraser" before droplets no longer roll off the coating at an angle of 5 degrees. The coating may still be superhydrophobic at this point, but droplets may "cling" or adhere to the worn area, and may not roll off until the substrate is tilted to a greater degree.

If wear is a problem, testing is recommended. If the coating is removed due to repeated or severe wear and tear, it can be reapplied. Heavy mechanical wear will wear down the coating. If there is a need for a coating that can withstand mechanical wear, it is recommendedHirec orGentoo.

Will the coating still work if the top coat is largely removed due to wear?
Maybe, but in most cases no. In many situations the superhydrophobic nature of the material can be reduced, but the remaining topcoat and bottomcoat still provide the functionality and will prevent the coated material from getting wet, icy or corroding. This is application dependent.

What color is Ultra-Ever Dry?
The standard product is a hazy, transparent white. We do not have a transparent formula at the moment. Custom colors are also not currently available. It is recommended to test the coating on a small area first if the color is important.

What known chemicals are incompatible with Ultra-Ever Dry?
Soaps and detergents will cause the surface of the coating to "wet out". Once these chemicals are removed (using low pressure water), the superhydrophobic effect will usually return. Alcohols and solvents loosen/remove the coating.

How well does Ultra-Ever Dry withstand acids/bases?
Acids and bases are usually not a problem. The testing has been carried out with sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid and phosphoric acid with excellent results. We have also seen good results where the coating repels strong caustic and bleach solutions.

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